Eric Svendson’s Digital Thermometer Adapter for E-61 Groupheads

This is a must-have mod if you have an exposed E-61 grouphead on your mid to low-end espresso machine. High-end machines would normally have PIDs to measure and control the brew water temperature

This device is “to facilitate the measurement of brew water temperature about 1.25″ away from the puck during a real brew cycle.” In an email, Eric also added that “while it is true that the devices (either thermocouple or digital thermometer) measure the temperature of the brew water 1.25” upstream of the puck, an EQUALLY important function is to provide the user with a “number” that is VERY REPRESENTATIVE of grouphead temperature.” This thermocouple adapter replaces the allen head screw on your exposed E-61 grouphead.  A shortened digital thermometer (also available from Eric) is then inserted into this adapter. While a thermocouple and temperature meter combo would be more accurate and gives faster readings, the digital thermometer kit is a better option if you (like me)

    a)  have limited workspace, and don’t wish to have wires in a mess

    b)  are not too handy with electronics
    c)  want a simple digital display you can read the temperature from

Full details of this device are found here

To place an order, download this word document, Pricing_Inventory_ordering.doc

Discussion and reviews on Eric’s Thermocouple Adapter can be found here on Or do a search on “eric thermocouple”.

The digital thermometer kit with a stainless steel adapter can be had for under S$100 if you buy now when the US$ is at an all-time low against the S$ (US$1:S$1.499). Incidentally, the adapter heading my way in a month’s time will be Eric’s first sale to Singapore.

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