Category Archives: External Article

Article on Coffee Brewing Methods [Gizmodo]

First, I have to apologize for the long hiatus from blogging as I was quite held up working at a bistro. I’ve since left that job and am continuing in my search for the barista position that chooses to escape me. While I am currently awaiting several emails to help me in my next post (yes, I’ll be researching this next one and not just post my many naked portafilter shots), I’ve found this comprehensive article on Gizmodo (don’t they do gadgets?) that details the many methods of brewing coffee, most of which can be found on (my) store.

Gizmodo article on Coffee Brewing Methods

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Sorry, I couldn’t help it. :)

How To Make Coffee Liqueur []

This next article certainly won’t be a contender for WBC’s signature drink but would make for a livelier drink of choice for our next group meeting.

The article shows using espresso made from a Bialetti moka pot, but use a better alternative to making the espresso if you have it. Thankfully, my days of drinking Bialetti “espresso” are over.

How to make delicious coffee liqueurMore DIY How To Projects